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>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 1
(c) 1985 All Rights Reserved
time/date last modified 21:30:00 9/11/1985
Version 11.1a(beta6)
NOTE: Read Section XXX, and the license agreement, there have been changes.
Beats a money back guarantee!!! How? You don't pay one red
cent until its worth your use. You can try this program at your
own pace, you don't have to be pressured at the store about this
and that. There new revisions in the works that promise
improvements and enhancements. No stupid copy protection schemes
and methods to slow down your back-ups (amen! for all you hard
disk owners!). Low over-head bargain, you don't pay for
advertising on the various mediums (TV, Radio, Magazine etc.),
because I use the CHEAPEST and the MOST EFFECTIVE advertising, SATISFIED
USERS! New versions can be easily updated electronically over
the modem. This template is automaticly loaded when placed
in the 1-2-3's default data directory. So help the fight against
rip-off software prices and contribute if you find this program
worth its disk, otherwise eliminate this template and all attached files
and except my kind thanks.
Any contributions ($10 suggested)/questions/ideas should
be sent to:
Joseph Wong
P.O. Box 1475
Lafayette, California 94549
For the fastest possible reply use E-Mail, and drop me a line at
the Aircomm RBBS-PC (415)-689-2090.
For a 5 1/4 diskette with the template on it, please add $5 and a
self-addressed and stamped diskette mailer.
Requirements: MS-DOS or PC-DOS, Lotus 1-2-3 and a computer
capable of running 1-2-3 (192k). To use the
special color driver you must have a color
monitor and a color card that can be run with the
standard IBM CG adapter driver that comes with
Lotus 1-2-3. Other cards may be supported later.
Audience: 1-2-3 users who want more than a blank screen.
NOTE: 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corp.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
PC-DOS is a trademark of Internation Business Machines.
IBM is a registered trademark of Internation Business Machines.
FREEWARE is a trademark of The Headlands Press.
This has ONLY been tested under Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A*. Some DOS versions
may require more memory.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 2
..User Agreement..
You are hereby provided a license to possess or use this program
as long as the following terms and conditions are met.
YOU MAY: - Distribute this program in its unmodified and
unabridged form without charge. As for charge of
diskettes, no more than $8 is to charged. All the
files mentioned in the 123SHELL.TXT file MUST be
distributed as well.
- Use this program for non-comercial
application(s). Using this program for
commercial purposes (that also includes
all govermental bodies, agencies, and contractors)
requires you to contribute atleast $20.
YOU MAY NOT: - Alter this documentation or abridge it in any
- Bypass or remove reference to the original
author's name and copyright notice.
- Recieve any form of renumeration or reward or
consideration. No more than $5 is to be charged
for a disk in the event "diskcopying" services are
- Distribute this program in modified or abridged
form or without its accompanying files.
TERM: This license is effective until terminated. You may
terminate this license any time by destroying any and all
copies and merged portions of the documentation and
template and accompanying files in any form.
UPDATES: This program and documentation is subject to change
without notice.
NO WARRANTY: This product is provided to you "AS IS" without
warranty of any kind. Either expressed or
implied, including, but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to
the selection, quality results and performance of
the program and updates is with you. Should the
program prove defective, you (and not the author)
assume all liability and expense incurred as a
result thereof.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 3
Basically, the template is pretty self-explanatory once
loaded. If you need more information, refer to your 1-2-3 manual.
This template adds more menus like those used in 1-2-3, the
main menu may be reached at any given time by pressing Alt-Z.
When working in an external worksheet, be sure to save your
worksheet first before going to the main menu. Except for fixed
external functions that do not want to modified (HELP.WKS,GRAF.WKS).
In those menus, use the cursor keys to move the highlighter
from one command to another. Press <CR> when the highlighter
is on the desired command. Or you can use the first letter of
each invidual command.
Watch for the newest version of this program at your local BBS. I'm
constantly working on better documentation for better features.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 4
I. Version numbers: ab.cd(BETAe)
a = very radical revision (number)
b = radical revision (number)
c = major revision (number)
d = minor revision (alpha)
BETA[?] = still testing (true or false)
e[?] = phase of test (number, used in conjunction with BETA)
f[?] = specialized extension (number)
[?] optional attachment to version number
II. Background on the development of 123 SHELL.
Once upon a time, I (the novice) sat staring at a blank worksheet in
Lotus 1-2-3. I thought to myself what do I do next?!?!? As time passed
ever so slowly, I became a more advanced user of Lotus 1-2-3. But every
time I would load 1-2-3... I said to myself, why am I doing this when
1-2-3 is supposed to help my problems vs. create new ones. So finally,
I got off my duff and started book-worming the 1-2-3 manuals and books.
Now I had something that worked, not very advanced, very crude with only
one-tenth of what you see today. After patting myself on the back, I got
back onto my duff.
After I got my modem and went exploring the realms of BBSland..
I downloaded a myriad of templates and tucked them away neatly onto my
1-2-3 data disk. To make a long story short, I made friends in BBSland
and met up with a minority of people who weren't friendly. You might
say I'm doing this to repay those who were kind and helpful enough
to get me out of noviceland. I had lots of things to do locally
on my IBM PC (not remote stuff like BBSing).. This just happened to
be one of those things that I dreamed up.. This is simply my attempt to
share my talents with you, but it turned out that my template wasn't very
presentable or documented so I had my "chores" ahead of me.
III. Why it is and what it is?
Everybody can win with TRYWARE... The USER can buy into the program
at a minimal cost. The USER can try the program at his/her own pace.
The USER is not under any extreme pressure to examine the product.
The USER also can communicate his/her needs to the authors as suggestions,
and the author will listen and see what can be done about it. The
author can sell his program without a great deal of investment and
The reason why it isn't FREEWARE:
1) FREEWARE is a trademark of Headlands press.
2) FREEWARE has a tendency to indicate the program is free when
it is not free at all.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 5
IV. Modularity
The template or program which will mean the same thing throughout
this documentation is divided up into modules as to save memory and to
isolate certain things from the various worksheets and to avoid redundant
For those of you who have 640k+ in your IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible
(including myself) may have doubts on this subject.. But, if it were not,
it would be much more bulky and clumsy in the long run (more worksheets).
This method slows down switches between various operations, but it
does however increase the recalculation speed by keeping the worksheet
area small.
1) Auto123.WKS -- Auto-Loading main menu worksheet (central control system)
2) Macro.WKS -- standardization in new worksheets (predefined macros)
3) Asc.WKS -- ASCII character set (inc. keyboard graphics)
4) Help.WKS -- Contains usage information (help subsystem)
5) App.WKS -- Appointment maker (appointment subsystem)
6) Graf.WKS -- Graphic example(s)
7) Dry.WKS -- Diary+Personal note jotter (diary subsystem)
8) TD.DRV -- Put on Lotus System disk or directory (colorful
terminal driver for Lotus 1-2-3, req. IBM CG/adapter)
9) 123SHELL.txt -- Briefing (contains some misc. information that may or
may not be mentioned in this file.
10) 123SHELL.doc -- Documentation <THIS FILE>
11) More modules will be added as new features and subsystems are
integrated into this SHELL.
V. Modifications and Customizations
Advice from the author:
This isn't generic canned software, I prefer to call it a can of building
blocks upon which you can build upon. If you desire to modify this template
to suit your own needs...heed these words of wisdom.
1) DO NOT change the filenames (these modules are interlinked)
and Auto123.WKS is the file that 123 looks for when it first
loads up. PEOPLE and PROGRAMs make assumptions about what
certain filenames are for, so it would be very wise to avoid
2) DO NOT distribute your mods, but if you feel they are worth something
you can submit them to me for standardization sake (don't put a new
bedroom in where I'm gonna put the new living room!).
3) DO NOT create MODALITITY by using the same menu words for
two drasticly different things!
I.E. Exit=go to DOS...some other menu...Exit=return to SHELL.
4) Use range names to map the worksheet, so that moving around it
won't be so tedious, or if key cell is moved the range name keeps
on top if it, but absolute label address DOESN'T.
5) Well, that's all I can think of for right now.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 6
VI. Appointment maker (Helpful Hints)
1) Editting an appointment, each appointment has a number
and that is also a range name that points to its description.
So when you are asked what address you would like to goto then
"5" will get you to description number 5.
2) The + or the - symbol under "OLD" indicates whether an appointment has
3) If you want this thing to work right you had better make sure the system
clock is up to date.
4) The Bye-Bye command is just that, it means bye-bye, so you might
want to save your work first before hitting "B" at a menu that has
this option. This will get you to DOS very quickly.
5) Plan is useful for setting up future appointments.
VII. Calculator operation
1) Any arithmetic function available in 1-2-3 is available on this
calculator. This calculator will display the formula as well as
the results after you hit return. This is a calculator without
equal (literally).
2) Precedence is strictly obeyed the same way as in Lotus 1-2-3.
I.E. 2+4^5 .... if you thought it would equal 7776 you are sadly
mistaken .... the answer is really 1026! Calculations will be
performed in the order of precedence vs. the order entered.
Elementary math!
3) Refer to your Lotus 1-2-3 Quick Reference Guide for more information
on the operators and precedence. QRG Pages. 7-9.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 7
Scenario for uses:
Okay, you sit down one day to make a new worksheet...
Without 123SHELL: First, the blank screen.... Then some grudgy fiqures..
You press Alt-M (supposed to be the menu) <beeep>
must not exist?!? Ok you program Alt-O to be the menu.
Well its working? You explain to your boss, Alt-O for
menu. He finds it works with just this worksheet! When
he tries it on another...<beeep> doesn't work. What key
was that? (boss thinking..) Similiar commands throughout
entire worksheet system is just one of the luxuries that
is impossible for all these worksheets floating around not
including all the new ones out. With 123SHELL in your
data drive, Lotus 1-2-3 can get started much faster
than if you had nothing in your disk drive (about
20 seconds difference after the logo has been passed)
With 123SHELL: You get your Lotus 1-2-3 going, it searchs its default
data directory..zappo..the magic menu appears.. You
press <CR> when the highlighter is on "Make" to make
a new worksheet with predefined macros. You are in
business, everything in MACRO.WKS is at your immediate
\0 = Executes right after its loaded (automaticly) This is acutally
undefined but you put in it what you like.
\C = Clears the split screen that shows the macros in one half of the
\N = Creates a range name (helpful for macro development)
\A = Active status report
\S = Saves and replaces -- using default file name save it manually the
first time and the file name will be defined then
the next step is as easy as Alt-S.
\D = Date stamper. Sets column and format to match.
\Z = Returns to main menu worksheet without saving current one, so save
\Y = Erase data area (not the macros)
\G = Generate an ASCII character (001..255)..when asked for a range name
give the ASCII number. I.E. you want to do an ASCII 240 in your
current cell. Hit Alt-G, then enter 240 when you are asked for a
range name and then hit <CR>. Just make sure that ASC.WKS is on
the cureent data directory when you do that.
\R = Remove current row. Use this with extreme caution especially if the
row contains important information. Once you have a default filename
that is different from MACRO.WKS then press Alt-S frequently... The
default filename used to save is determined by the filename used to
load the worksheet or the filename used in the last save to disk
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 8
\P = Protect cell that the cell pointer is on.
\U = Unprotect or highlight cell that cell pointer is currently on.
The range name ST refers to the sheet data area. NOT any macros.
\ = An alphabet that follows this symbol means, Alt-<alphabet>. Alt is
the gray key to the left of the space bar (on an IBM PC keyboard).
IX. System-Wide (Helpful Hints)
1) Pressing the ESCAPE key (the gray key marked "Esc") will cause you
to jump back one step (just like in the Lotus menus).
2) Running the FASTDISK.COM program or a program that alters the
head-settling time will increase the swiftness at which the modules
are changed.
3) Altering the amount of disk drive buffers will help as well. Try
15 or 20 buffers (BUFFERS command, look it up in your DOS manual..
DOS2.1 manual section 4 page 5 (4-5) or look it up in your index if
you have a different DOS version). NOTE: disk drive buffers require
RAM, if you are always running out of memory then don't get your hopes
up too high.
>> 123 SHELL -- by JOSEPH D. WONG << Page: 9
XXX. Enhancements/Bugs-fixed/Changes/Differences etc. to previous version.
11.1a(beta5) versus 11.1a(beta6)
1) **Speed has been greatly increased for certain operations. The calculator
just happens to be one of them.
2) *You now notice some improved documention! Alot of typos have been
fixed as well and with the
3) *Unnecessary glut has been purged (old and unused range names and old
data) so as to keep the whole thing more compact.
4) *Menu descriptions have been altered to be less cluttering and
more english-like in use.
5) *Menus have been re-organized to help beginners who use the cursor and
then press return on the proper command.
6) *The worksheets have been greatly tightened to keep them small and fast
crucial during loading.
7) *The calculator was overhauled and now runs alot more smoothly and
8) *Help now has its own subsytem.
9) *The the auto-loading goes faster due to its more compact nature.
10) *The window utility was removed because no one ever used it, and
there was no advantage to it, it was simply a redundancy between
shell and 123.. Typing Alt-Z,U,W isn't better than /WW?
11) ** LICENSE AGREEMENT has been altered.
XXXI. Planned changes for next release.
1) Scratchpad
2) ?